
Advice That Rocks: Vacation


This 1980’s gem doesn’t need explanation. The Go-Gos say it all in the chorus:

Vacation, all I ever wanted.
Vacation, had to get away.

While you listen, consider this data from Project: Time Off’s 2016 State of the American Vacation report.

  • 95% of American workers report a desire to fully utilize paid vacation.
  • 55% of Americans forfeited vacation in 2015 — for an estimated total of 222 million forfeited days, and over $61 billion in forfeited compensation.
  • 65% of employees report either silence, mixed messages or discouragement on the topic of vacation.*
  • Employees taking 11+ days received higher and more frequent bonuses.
  • Advance planners take more time off, in longer increments. They also report greater happiness both at work and at home.

Let these numbers — and Belinda Carlisle’s pipes — strengthen your resolve to use your paid time off, use it wisely, and take a beat to relax.


* Bosses, do you hear me?

Concept music. Music background with headphones and musical note



An Outlandish Idea for a Peace


After taking the better part of a week to process events in Orlando, I have an idea.

Like many of you, I have experienced the sadly familiar feelings—not again, this is heartbreaking, this is hopeless, I’m afraid, repeat, repeat, repeat. However, I’m currently sitting with an emotion that feels OK, and maybe even empowered: the burning desire to DO something.

I have decided to embrace a different paradigm: creative determination. To me, this means the tenacity to:
  • think differently (boldly!)
  • have outlandish ideas
  • test those wild ideas
  • take concrete steps
  • connect with other torch bearers

For the moment, I’m not talking about political matters like gun control, mental health advocacy, or counter-terrorism. Those things are important, but they aren’t getting us very far. At best, political frameworks are not delivering the harmony we desire. At worst, the discourse around them has become so toxic that they do harm.

Instead, I want to remind us all that we share a history of creative determination. We share a history of revolutionary problem-solving and bold innovation. I truly believe that we, the people, can form a more perfect union.

Consider this short list of transformative examples, which exist or happened or changed, but were once just a notion:
  1. the Internet
  2. the Appalachian Trail
  3. the moon landing
  4. Central Park
  5. The Grapes of Wrath
  6. the Montgomery bus boycott
  7. interstate highways spanning 45,000+ miles
  8. a dazzling array of museums, free to all in the nation’s capital
  9. Woodstock
  10. the United States Constitution
Fine points are debatable. Yes, violence is pertinent to this list in important, nuanced (and some not-so-nuanced) ways. No, American culture doesn’t deserve singular credit for all. No, we don’t have the only creative culture in the world. Those and other complexities are real. I accept them.

However, big picture, these examples represent our culture’s extraordinary capacity for creativity. They are vastly different, but they all began as the kernel of an idea.

Many of you have kernels of creative ideas for solving, putting a dent in, or changing the frame of our national discourse on guns and violence.  You have outlandish ideas that may promote our shared goal of harmony. Take a moment right now to think creatively — market solutions, scientific solutions, health solutions, community solutions, educational solutions, and categories of solutions that I haven’t even dreamed of. Ask yourself, what can you uniquely offer? (Don’t be humble–you will test and refine later.)

In this spirit, here is my outlandish idea: I am offering two hours of free incubator coaching to anyone with their own idea for creating a more peaceful American society. The point is for you to explore your next step with a thought partner — how you might test, connect, build on, learn more…whatever it is that your idea needs.

Ground rules:
  • Your idea must entail full and equal respect for all human beings, regardless of race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, religion, etc.
  • This offer is for creative ideas that can be executed legally and outside the partisan political process.
  • That’s it!

  • Email me (jlp at to set up a phone session.
  • For now, this is an open invitation with no time limit.
  • If I have the welcome problem of idea overload…well, we’ll cross that bridge when we get to it.

If you pursue it, your outlandish idea will become a step forward.




Laugh Your Way to Meaningful Work


I love satire. It cuts to the heart of matters, and it makes me laugh. So, you can imagine how thrilled I was to see McSweeney’s tackling an issue that I feel strongly about — meaningful work (or, more to the point, meaningless work):

Despite the business being obscenely profitable, our office is overcrowded, we are underpaid, and our work almost certainly supports fracking, heart disease, and the blatant exploitation of the poor. In recent months, it has occurred to me that this makes what I do, at best, completely void of meaning and, at worst, totally amoral. In short, my life has no meaning… but, have you tried the new toaster?
If this hits too close to home, you can do one of two things. Either laugh it off and proceed, or…

Let the satire do its full work, which is both to make you laugh and to convey criticism. It should leave you chuckling, but uneasily, wondering, how did this happen? And, how can I change it?


How did this happen? 

In one of three ways:

(1) Though you are not actually manipulated by perks like shiny new toasters, you do bear the paradoxical burden of your compensation and benefits. Golden handcuffs are real — and really tight. They stand between too many people and meaningful work.

(2) You are smart, hard-working, and an expert in your field. You care intensely about everything you do at work, pouring intelligence and energy into each task and decision — whether small or large, meaningful or meaningless.

These favorable qualities propelled you to your current position. However, you bring this intensity to every situation and task, indiscriminately. In doing so, you rob yourself of the energy and time required for discernment and the work that really matters.

(3) The likeliest culprit — some combination of both.


How can you change it?

Laugh (heartily!), but don’t laugh it off. Channel that self-deprecation into a decision to prioritize your impact goals.

Since you are already smart and hard-working, this doesn’t mean finding new time in the day. Instead, you must redirect your existing resources towards more meaningful goals. This requires introspection, careful discernment, and re-prioritization.

It is likely that the process will also entail some risk — financial, professional, and perhaps even emotional. Be clear on your tolerance for that, as well as the return that you can reasonably expect. To that end, have a trustworthy person in your corner, who will both challenge you and respect your boundaries.

Laughing it off may be easy, but it isn’t a strategy. It leaves you as restless as ever and does nothing to improve your professional footprint. By contrast, self-examination and change are difficult. They promise valuable returns not only for your work satisfaction, but also for your legacy — and for the positive impact you will make on the world.


Let’s be real: this is a fortunate problem.

Many, many people suffer extreme poverty, unemployment, under-education and other hardships that make the challenge of meaningful work a privileged one. In that light, the “paradoxical burden” of golden handcuffs seems superficial.

However, this gulf is all the more reason to leverage educations and opportunities wisely. We owe it to ourselves, our communities, and the wider world.




SMART Goals Aren’t (Always) Dumb



I recently came across an interesting hypothesis in Forbes magazine: SMART goals “act as impediments to, not enablers of, bold action, and actually encourage mediocre and poor performance.” Author Mark Murphy takes the position that we should aim higher than “achievable” and “realistic.” To make his point, he looks at two modern innovators, Jeff Bezos and Steve Jobs, both of whom pushed for impact with ambition and determination.


“We’re here to put a dent in the universe.” – Steve Jobs


I agree with Murphy, at least in part. The world needs big thinkers: entrepreneurs who will innovate mechanisms for sustainable food distribution; activists who will dismantle unjust structures; school administrators who will find a way beyond the testing morass; artists whose creativity will broaden our perspectives. As he correctly points out, SMART goals undermine ambitious impact when they limit us to the “achievable” and “realistic.”


What’s more, I propose that the other SMART attributes—“specific,” “measurable,” and “timely”—can be equally limiting. The grandest ambitions  (e.g. to make a dent in the universe) are anything but specific, at least at first. Because of that and because they may not be empirical, they will be difficult to measure. Finally, we must face the reality that we might not complete the work alone, or even in our lifetimes.


“I may not get there with you.” – Martin Luther King, Jr.


Consider Martin Luther King, Jr.’s “I’ve Been to the Mountaintop.” The speech was delivered in Memphis, Tennessee on April 3, 1968, less than 24 hours before his assassination. It conveys both the beautiful promise and the daunting scope of his vision. He declares:


I’ve looked over (Yes sir), and I’ve seen the Promised Land. (Go ahead) I may not get there with you. (Go ahead) But I want you to know tonight (Yes), that we, as a people, will get to the Promised Land. [Applause] (Go ahead, Go ahead) And so I’m happy tonight; I’m not worried about anything; I’m not fearing any man. Mine eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the Lord. [Applause]


Behold: One person’s ambition, bigger than himself. 


On the one hand, this example confirms Murphy’s point. On the other hand, King’s work included both visionary statements and very hard work. He collaborated with organizations, politicians, experienced activists, and ordinary citizens to bring about real change on the ground…one campaign, one lawsuit, one march, one meeting, one boycott at a time. The work was imperfect, incomplete, incremental, and inspired. The goals of the American civil rights movement were indeed visionary, but they were also—in their increments—specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and timely.


There is hope for the SMART concept yet.


SMART goals can be a crutch for small thinking, but they aren’t the root problem.


The real problem is with SMART goals existing out of visionary context. When they stand alone, SMART goals deserve all the criticism that Murphy heaps on them. As he describes, the problematic isolation of SMART goals often happens explicitly, through, for example, lackluster strategy or performance reviews that focus only on the near-term.


However, it also occurs implicitly—and more perniciously—via organizational culture. In these cases, isolated SMART goals are a symptom of larger, cultural weaknesses that permeate the organization, affecting every position and business function. When an organization’s culture cannot tolerate change or when it prizes short-term over long-term outcomes, it undermines employees’ potential for vision, creativity, and impact.


By contrast, organizations with healthy impact cultures tie their work to mission at every turn. Accountability to the organization’s impact drives performance review and goal-setting processes, rather than following them or existing tangentially. Leaders both model and manage genuine support for strategic risks, creative problem-solving, and purposeful change. And employees, from the corner office to the smallest cubicle, embrace the freedom to think big. The SMART goals they set reflect this.


SMART goals are truly smart when they connect to impact goals. 


When I was working on my doctoral dissertation, someone offered this wisdom: “It’s like eating an elephant. You do it one bite at a time.” It was brilliant advice, and  I leaned on it throughout the process. I needed to think in increments because the full scope of the project was so unwieldy. Likewise, SMART goals are a tool for incremental progress—one bite at a time.


I suggest editing the “R” in SMART from realistic to relevant. When connected to a larger mission, SMART goals shine. They are extraordinarily useful for incremental progress on big ambitions. Instead of limiting potential, they connect bold ideas and beautiful aspirations to real-time actions. They enable positive impact by making it concrete: specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and timely.


Whether you are moving towards a career ambition, your dent in the universe, or a nascent vision for a better world, keep your eyes on both the next bend in the road and your true north. You will only  move in the right direction when both are in focus.




Long Live the Summer Reading List


Let me be the umpteenth person to point out that reading is a professional virtue. It not only conveys knowledge, but also fuels the imagination, supports emotional intelligence, and provides  a respite from the daily grind.


When I was a kid, teachers assigned summer reading each year. I inevitably completed the books in late August, rushing against the deadline. However, in spite of the frenzy, I remember those books well and am glad to have read them. Even more, I am grateful to have acquired a reading discipline.


With summer around the corner, do yourself a favor and set some reading goals. This is your chance to make up for wasted* reading time in the past–and establish better habits.


Tips for a Great List


Set a summer goal. It should be a reasonable stretch from your regular pace.


Page-turners are fine. Sometimes they are just the ticket to jump-start your stalled reading.


Still, don’t limit yourself to brain candy. Once your engine is purring, you will be ready for reading that takes more effort. Include some challenges on your list: literary novels, classics, poetry, short stories, and nonfiction. You can do it.


Incorporate professional development. Add a book or two that will sharpen your skills or make you think differently at work.


But not too much. If you limit your reading to professional development, you will miss the benefits of other genres. You may also start to resent “having” to read, and stop reading altogether…which is just sad.


Include diverse voices. Do all the authors on your list look a lot like you? Revise to pull in perspectives from other cultures, regions, ethnicities, and genders.


Be flexible. Stick to your list, or branch out. Just keep reading!


There is no shame in abandoning a book. I use a loose version of the 50-page rule: if a book doesn’t draw me in after 50 pages, I move on without shame. There are too many books in the world—too many masterpieces—to worry about this.


Give Goodreads a try. This is a pro-tip for folks who really love to read. Use it to track books, make lists, find reviews, see what your friends are reading, and follow your favorite authors. Best of all? It’s a low-noise social media that adds value without becoming a time-suck.


Need Inspiration?


Terrific, because I need accountability. It’s a win-win.


Here is my summer 2016 list. I set an ambitious pace of 4 books per month, eased by a few light reads. Because, hey, it’s summer.


  1. An Untamed State, Roxanne Gay
  2. Betterness: Economics for Humans, Umair Haque
  3. On Writing: A Memoir of the Craft, Stephen King
  4. March: Book One, John Lewis
  5. Orbiting the Giant Hairball: A Corporate Fool’s Guide to Surviving with Grace, Gordon Mackenzie
  6. Invisible Fault Lines, Kristen-Paige Madonia
  7. Grandma Gatewood’s Walk: The Inspiring Story of the Woman who Saved the Appalachian Trail, Ben Montgomery
  8. Harry Potter and the Cursed Child, J.K. Rowling
  9. Persepolis, Marjane Satrapi
  10. Thanks for the Feedback: The Science and Art of Receiving Feedback Well, Douglas Stone & Sheila Heen
  11. Look Homeward, Angel, Thomas Wolfe
  12. Petty: the Biography, Warren Zanes


Happy reading!


*I know, “wasted” seems harsh. We’re all so busy doing actual work, right? But, let’s face it, most of us could easily trade nightly phone surfing for reading without missing a professional beat. Ditto that for TV-time. (Don’t feel bad; I’m guilty too.)



Strength of Character at Work



I recently met with a client who is handling a thorny challenge with impressive magnanimity. As we discussed her decision, her management of it, and the business impact, it struck me:

My client is doing a brave thing.

I sat back, looked her in the eye, and said, “I want you to know that I admire you for doing this. Most people would be less generous.” Her response was simply, “How could you not?”

That, dear readers, is strength of character.

When you witness strength of character, you should acknowledge it. Tell the person that you admire them. Doing so encourages them to continue their brave work, which will surely be difficult. Equally important, it raises your standards. Marking the moment gives you  a mental benchmark for your own difficult decisions.

Stay alert for colleagues and managers who make the tough decisions well. Thank them, and follow their lead. They deserve it, and so do you.


Advice That Rocks: Burning Down the House



I love the idea that anyone can be a force for change – even an ordinary guy. Especially an ordinary guy.*

I’m an ordinary guy,
Burning down the house.


In fact, our heroes are ordinary folks, made extraordinary by their determination and willingness to act.

Hold tight,
We’re in for nasty weather.
There has got to be a way,
Burning down the house.


They know the importance of bringing others along at the right moment.

Here’s your ticket pack your bags,
Time for jumping’ overboard,
The transportation is here.


And they aren’t afraid to dismantle the status quo — nonviolently.

That’s right,
Don’t want to hurt nobody.
Some things sure can sweep me off my feet,
Burning down the house.


According to Tina Weymouth (founding member and Talking Heads bassist), the song’s signature line is based on a Parliament-Funkadelic crowd chant. It’s a nod to that band’s smokin’ jams. Whether our heroes are musicians burning down the house with artistic energy, activists burning down the house with political change, or entrepreneurs burning down the house with economic disruption, this ballad is all about creative determination.


Those of us who aspire to positive impact would do well to internalize its energy and earnestness.


*By “guy,” I mean (and I take the Talking Heads to mean) all people. Of course.



10 Ideas To Free You From Your Desk


From time to time, your office will feel stale. Maybe even oppressive. You may be procrastinating, in need of vacation, butting heads with your boss, or just drained by fluorescent lights.

Whatever the reason, recognize your restlessness for what it is. Don’t deny or judge it — just flip the script by changing your routine.

Try a change of scenery.

Hit the library. Libraries are free, quiet, and designed to enhance focus. While you’re there, take a few minutes to wander the stacks and soak up some literary inspiration.

Grab a cup. Coffeeshops offer soothing background noise, free wifi and unlimited caffeine. Need I say more?

Try co-working. Co-working studios have transformed my work more than once. In fact, I’m writing from one right now. They typically offer modern aesthetics, entrepreneurial energy, and a variety of workspaces (mine has carrels, sofas, shared desks, reading nooks, conference rooms, and outdoor seating).

Work from home. Treat yourself to a day at home, complete with your favorite tunes and your stretchy pants. Seek out the brightest room in your house — take advantage of that natural light while you can.

Reserve your office conference room. Can’t pull away for a half or whole day? Reserve your organization’s conference room for a window of time and escape from distraction right down the hall.

No laptop? No problem. 

Cultivate a reading list. Maintain a folder of articles and either print or bookmark them for easy access. (Bonus points for actual books.) If you think can’t afford to  slow down for this, you are wrong. Very wrong. You can’t afford not to.

Schedule a walking meeting or call. Stay alert for meetings that will not require note-taking. In my experience, this works best when your teams are reporting on status and for informal discussions with a close colleague. Do you sometimes find yourself pacing in your office? Take that nervous energy to the streets.

Schedule email sessions, and hit a park bench with your phone. This serves the dual purpose of removing you from your desk and imposing better email discipline. Turn off your email client in the interim. (I know, this one feels impossible. All the more reason to try it.)

Keep a running list of tasks that you do better offline. In addition to reading, my offline list includes outlining, theoretical work, reviewing client notes, proofreading, and task management. Grab your notebook and relocate.

Are you goal-setting regularly? You should. Goal-setting requires a fresh perspective, so it is tailor-made for unlikely settings. Try a sunny patio, a yoga mat, or even a bar stool. Wrap your week by reflecting on accomplishments and setting the next week’s focus. Allow yourself extra time at the end of the month and quarter to consider upcoming projects, performance review goals, and personal aspirations.

The idea is to experiment.

These ideas are low-risk, but substantial enough to alleviate the grind.  Try one for a re-engagement hack, or incorporate them all to revitalize your work life. If your otherwise awesome job lacks flexibility, discover alternative spaces within your organization. Keep your manager abreast of where you will be and why.

Whatever you do, challenge the assumption that you must be tethered to your desk or computer. Get off the treadmill and take a walk in the woods.

